A few words
Our Story
In Memory of Lola Jayne White
The night we lost Lola, we walked away from the hospital with nothing but a memory box of her painted handprints. It was shocking to us as parents that we didn’t get a phone call from the hospital to check in on us or offer some type of mental support. It quickly became clear to us that there is a lack of resources for bereaved families. Thankfully, a local mother who had been through the same trauma reached out to us and recommended a grief counselor and a group for bereaved parents that we credit for saving our lives. Without this support, the responsibility of identifying and seeking out these necessary services would have fallen on us at a time when we simply did not have the energy or ability to do so. Throughout our grief journey we continued to meet parents coping with the loss of a child who were similarly unsure how or where to seek support. Soon after in March of 2023, we decided to turn our pain into purpose, setting up The Lola Jayne Foundation in Lola’s honor. The Lola Jayne Foundation seeks to bring necessary resources to grieving parents as they navigate the seemingly unnavigable and to improve infant healthcare with the goal of preventing future tragedies.